Eight people playing a board game in a tent. Small but cozy.
Camping Maka has a small bar with La Chouffe on tap, and apparently, a white fox on the ceiling ...
We had to wait for rain to pass, so we enjoyed a few beers at Camping Maka's bar. La Chouffe for me, Karmeliet for Vanessa.
The famous sign of Camping Maka in Bertrix. The sun after the rain makes everything a bit more dreamy.
We put two vans next to each other, and tried to connect their awnings. It rained 70% of the time so it allowed us to hang out and stay dry.
I love the afternoon sun in September.
Axl helping to make a fire. Unfortunately, we could not make s'mores as it started raining again shortly after. No one wants soggy s'mores ...
This photo sums up our camping weekend pretty well: hanging out under the van's awning to avoid getting rained on.
Bouillon Castle is believed to date back from before 980. The views from the top are amazing! In my imagination, farmers lived and worked in the fields along the river banks.
An arrowslit in the castle wall of Bouillon Castle in Belgium. The castle is more than a 1,000 years old. Archers launched arrows through it to defend their territory.