Dries Buytaert

Foocamp 2008

View from inside a small airplane cockpit, following a larger plane on the taxiway, with a pilot in the foreground.
Off to a meeting in a tiny little airplane. In line behind the big guys. Taken with my iPhone.
A "camping zone" sign is attached to a post near a tent, surrounded by green bushes.
A large number of tents are set up on a grassy field outside a multi-story building during an event.
Two handwritten notes on a board suggest discussion topics: using RSS creatively and tips for working from home successfully.
A person in a black hoodie is sitting on the floor, holding a camera and taking a photo in a group discussion.
Joi Ito took this picture of me so I had to take one of him. Joi is CEO of Creative Commons, and is (or was) on the board of Technorati, ICANN, Mozilla Foundation, the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and much more. He is also an early stage investor in Six Apart, Technorati, Flickr, SocialText, Dopplr, Last.fm, and other internet companies.
Outdoor setup with tents and signs for "Demolition Croquet" and "Art Golf", featuring creative game equipment on grass.
A schedule board covered with colorful handwritten notes listing various discussion topics and workshops at Foocamp 2008.
A wall display of participant portraits and handwritten responses from Foo Camp 2008, sharing inspirations and aspirations.
Three people in discussion, with one gesturing while speaking.
Ze Frank (humorist) and Brad Fitzpatrick (LiveJournal and OpenID) discussing how to decentralize social networks.
A person in a yellow shirt moves glowing blue and green light trails in a blurred motion at night.
Danese Cooper in action.
A heavily modified, rusted vehicle is parked near a "Foo Camp" check-in sign outside a building.
Two men engage in a debate about search engines while a moderator and others listen in a discussion setting.
Michael Arrington (left) and Tim O'Reilly (right) in a debate on search, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. The moderator was Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land.