Off to a meeting in a tiny little airplane. In line behind the big guys. Taken with my iPhone.
Joi Ito took this picture of me so I had to take one of him. Joi is CEO of Creative Commons, and is (or was) on the board of Technorati, ICANN, Mozilla Foundation, the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and much more. He is also an early stage investor in Six Apart, Technorati, Flickr, SocialText, Dopplr,, and other internet companies.
Ze Frank (humorist) and Brad Fitzpatrick (LiveJournal and OpenID) discussing how to decentralize social networks.
Danese Cooper in action.
Michael Arrington (left) and Tim O'Reilly (right) in a debate on search, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. The moderator was Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land.