Dries Buytaert

Hiking in wales 2019

Inside the car train from Calais to Folkstone
Klaas making the bed in his Volkswagen California
Klaas making breakfast in his Volkswagen California
Klaas making breakfast with a moka pot and frying pan in a Volkswagen California camper.
Brewing coffee and cooking breakfast in a Volkswagen California camper van during a trip to Wales, UK.
Klaas making breakfast in his Volkswagen California
Klaas hiking up some rocks with a big backpack on
A stone wall with a step ladder
Dries resting against a stone wall after scrambling up Tryfan
Grilling a steak on a small ridge on Tryfan
Klaas wearing multiple layers of clothing when the night sets on Tryfan
The temperatures swung from 20ºC (68ºF) during the day time to 2ºC (35ºF) during night time. In the evenings, we were forced to put on warm clothes and layer up.
A beautiful view from our tent
Our tent setup on a small ridge on Tryfan
Our campsite on a ridge on the back of Tryfan. The views were spectacular.
A sheep looking into the distant from a steep cliff
A sheep in front of our tent
Klaas resting on some rocks looking into the distance after scrambling up Tryfan
Dries standing on a cliff
Klaas hiking through the fields towards a lake
Dries resting in the grass
Refilling our water bottles on a creek
Making cocktails on a small ridge on Tryfan
Klaas laying in the grass looking into the distance
Dries and Klaas setting up their tent
Klaas making dinner next to our tent
Klaas making dinner
Our dishes drying on a rock
Klaas sitting on a rock watching the sun set
Klaas and Dries at the end of their trip
Selfie taken with Klaas' iPhone 8. Me pointing to the Tryfan's North Ridge where our hike began just three days earlier.
Klaas climbing over a fence
A view over Ogwen Valley
Tryfan North Ridge
Tryfan's North Ridge silhouette next to lake Lyn Ogwen.
Dries washing his hair