A "phalanx of snow plows": five snow plows clearing Tremont Street during a major Boston snowstorm.
Cars are getting buried by heavy snowfall during a major Boston snowstorm.
Me using a Leica M10-R.
Dinner at Kava in the South End, Boston.
Oma's hand.
Wendy's is my guilty pleasure.
The train yard outside of Boston's South Station.
It's mid-October already! It might be getting colder and darker, but it's not too late to have dinner outside. Petit Robert, South End, Boston.
The steep streets of Beacon Hill.
The vartender in a Cuban bar in Miami. Typo intended.
The next months, we are organizing Acquia events around the world. We are calling it the 'Acquia Freedom Tour'. We just kicked off our tour with our first event at the Fontainebleau hotel on Miami Beach. Up next: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Tokyo, London and more.
October is the best month to drive around New England.
A bar at the St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel in London.
London by night.
Kicking off the FIFA World Cup 2022 at an Acquia partner event in London.
The end of a great Thanksgiving meal with great friends.
Jay spatchcocking the Thanksgiving turkey.
Getting ready to make cream of mushroom soup for the green bean casserole.
Boston still has around 2,500 gas lights throughout the city. The first gas lights were introduced in 1828. Prior to 1828, Boston used oil lamps to light the streets. While gas lights provide a lot of character to the neighborhood, they are not great for carbon emission. Recently, the city decided to replace them with LED lights that mimic real flames.
Back in Belgium for the last two weeks of the year. It was cold but beautiful when I walked to the bakery in the morning.
My Oma who is almost 95 years old. Lise is helpig her great-grandmother unwrap a Christmas gift.
Ben holding multiple sparklers wrapped together.
Vanessa ending 2022 with some pull-ups.
With only a few minutes to go before the start of the new year, Ben wanted to get the fire pit going so we'd stay warm while watching the fire works. Turns out you can make a roaring fire in one minute with the help of a leaf blower. Don't try this at home kids.