Dries Buytaert

HTTP Headers Analyzer

7 / 10
WordPress → LiteSpeed → CloudFlare → Browser
6 missing headers, 1 warnings, 1 notices
wed, 12 feb 2025 17:16:06 gmt
The date and time at which the request was made. A browser uses it for age calculations rather than using its own internal date and time; e.g. when comparing against Max-Age or Expires.
text/html; charset=utf-8
The type of the message body, specified as a MIME type.
Some of the software used to generate or serve this page.
This header enables the browser's built-in XSS protection. However, it's considered legacy and modern browsers may ignore it.
1 enables the browser's cross-site scripting (XSS) filtering.
mode=block instructs the browser to block the response if a XSS attack is detected, instead of sanitizing the page.
Notice While this header provides some protection, it's recommended to use Content-Security-Policy instead, as it offers more comprehensive and flexible protection against XSS and other injection attacks.
X-Frame-Options prevents this URL from being embedded in an iframe. This protects against clickjacking attacks.
sameorigin means that this page can be displayed in a iframe, but only on the currrent origin. It can't be displayed on another domain. Consider setting this to deny for added security.
When a visitor navigates from one page to another page, browsers often pass along referrer information. The Referrer-Policy header controls how much referrer information a browser can share. This is important because private information can be embedded in the path or query string.
strict-origin-when-cross-origin means that the protocol, host, port, path and query string are shared for same-site requests. For cross-site requests, protocol, host, and port are shared, but only when the protocol security level remains the same (HTTP → HTTP, HTTPS → HTTPS). For cross-site requests where the protocol becomes less secure (HTTPS → HTTP), nothing is shared.
The X-Content-Type-Options header, when set to nosniff, prevents MIME type sniffing. This enhances security by ensuring browsers respect the declared Content-Type of the response, mitigating MIME confusion attacks.
The value nosniff is correctly set, providing protection against MIME type sniffing attacks.
Some of the software used to generate or serve this page.
accelerometer=(), camera=(), geolocation=(), gyroscope=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), payment=(), usb=()
Instructs a browser to selectively allow or deny certain browser APIs and features. It helps improve security.
Warning The dynamic status indicates that Cloudflare did not cache the requested HTML page, similar to a "cache miss". By default, Cloudflare caches static assets such as images, CSS, and JavaScript but excludes HTML due to its dynamic nature. To cache HTML content, change the 'Cache Level' setting from dynamic to cache everything in Cloudflare. This adjustment allows HTML pages to be cached, leveraging Cloudflare's global network for faster and more efficient content delivery.
The cf-ray header provides a unique identifier for each request through Cloudflare. It's useful for troubleshooting and tracking requests in Cloudflare logs.
h3=":443"; ma=86400
The alt-svc header advertises alternative services for accessing the same resource, enabling protocol negotiation and potential performance improvements.
h3 indicates that HTTP/3 is supported. Variants like h3-29 refer to specific drafts of the HTTP/3 protocol.
ma=86400 specifies that the alternative service information is fresh for 86400 seconds.
missing Add a Strict-Transport-Security header. The Strict-Transport-Security header or HSTS header is used to instruct browsers to only use HTTPS, instead of using HTTP. It helps enforce secure communication.
missing Add a Content-Security-Policy header. The Content-Security-Policy header helps browsers prevent cross site scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.
missing Add a Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy to specify how this page can be loaded by cross-origin resources.
missing Add a Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header to opt-in into better browser isolation.
missing Add a Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header to specify who can load this page.
missing Add a X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies header to prevent Flash, Adobe Reader and other clients from sharing data across domains.

Questions or feedback? Email dries@buytaert.net.