Happy belated first birthday, WP-Mollom
On his blog, Matthias Vandermaesen comments that his Mollom plugin for WordPress was a year old on April 2nd of this year. At the same time, he announces the release of WP-Mollom 0.7.4 (which mainly includes some new translations), and lays out a roadmap for future development.
But what a difference a year makes. One year later, Mollom has blocked well over fifty million pieces of spam, and Matthias' WordPress plugin is an important part of the Mollom ecosystem.
In his blog post, Matthias lays out a great set of feature enhancements and code refactoring in his blog post; like us, he's interested in optimizing his plugin code as much as possible. He's got lots of great usability ideas as well, and contemplates new features to integrate with the upcoming WordPress 2.8.
Matthias — Happy Birthday to WP-Mollom. Let us know how we can help!
— Dries Buytaert