Dries Buytaert

Building bikes for the Boys and Girls Club

How Acquia built 60 bikes for the children of the Boys and Girls Club of Boston

A group of people work together to assemble a pink bicycle, following instructions from a manual.

Throughout the years, the team at Acquia has heard me talk about doing well and doing good. We've embedded this philosophy into Acquia's culture since we started the company. As a result, one of Acquia's core values is to "give back more".

A blue wall features transparent plaques with motivational phrases like "DNA", "Inspire a little crazy", and "Give back more.

The "give back more" principle recognizes that Acquia was born from community. We cherish our open source roots and contribute both time and talent to strengthen our communities. This means not only contributing to the open source communities that we are part of, but our local communities as well.

This week our global sales and marketing teams came together for a week of strategic planning and training. For one of our team building activities, we built 60 bikes for the children of the Boys and Girls Club of Boston! We felt that this was a special way to strengthen our team, in addition to being a great opportunity to give back.

Rows of newly assembled children's bikes with balloons and helmets displayed indoors after a bike-building event.

The next day, five children from the Boys and Girls Club came to pick up their bikes in our closing session. It was very touching — a lot of our team got teary eyed. It made me very proud of what we were able to accomplish for our local community. I'm excited to continue to "give back more" in 2018.

— Dries Buytaert

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