Dries Buytaert

Gartner puts Drupal in visionaries quadrant

Gartner included Drupal into the Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace

A lot of Drupal people and organizations help promote Drupal. At Acquia, we also like to help with promoting Drupal. One of the things we've been doing since the inception of Acquia, is talking to analyst firms like Gartner, Forrester, and the 451group about Drupal, and all of Drupal's successes. Almost all of that work is carried out by Acquia's marketing people, but I've been in several analyst calls myself. Recently, Gartner has included Drupal into its Magic Quadrant reports, and was most recently promoted to the 'Visionaries' category in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace.

Gartner Magic Quadrant chart from October 2009 evaluating social software for the workplace based on execution and vision.

Last year, Gartner classified Drupal as a 'niche player', meaning Drupal does well in a segment of a market, but that we had limited ability to innovate or outperform competitors. In this year's report, which was released last week, Drupal was promoted to the 'visionaries' category right next to Google and other big players. According to Gartner, visionaries align with Gartner's view of how a market will evolve, but they have yet to deliver against that vision.

Here is what Nikos Drakos, Research Director at Gartner wrote about Drupal's promotion: "Drupal is in the Visionaries quadrant because of its use of the open source model to drive adoption and popularity, while providing enterprise services via organizations such as Acquia. Its strong content-centric, community and web application foundation is being rapidly extended with hundreds of modules, including many for collaboration and social interaction support."

Why does this matter? As most of you know, there are hundreds of web content management systems and not everyone has the time or skill sets to figure out what system to use. Plus, large organizations that are about to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in a website project, don't want to make the wrong technology choice. Instead, those large businesses call Gartner, or any of the other analyst firms, to get advice on what technologies to adopt.

This is exactly why I started Acquia, and how Acquia can add value to the Drupal community. You might notice that neither Joomla! nor WordPress are to be found on this graph, and that is probably because they have not been able to position themselves with analyst firms. By maintaining relationships with all of these analysts, and showing them all the great work we have done, we can get Drupal to the next level in terms of enterprise adoption. Needless to say, from my perspective, this is a big deal for all of us in the community, as it provides tremendous validation for Drupal, and will create more business for everyone in the community.

— Dries Buytaert