Drupal is an Open Source platform for building websites and digital experiences. I founded the Drupal project in 2010. Today, Drupal is one of the largest Open Source projects in the world.
March 2025
February 2025
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
December 2022
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
May 2022
November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
May 2021
April 2021
February 2021
January 2021
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020
August 2020
July 2020
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
January 2020
November 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
How NBC Sports supports the biggest media events online
How Paychex replatformed on Drupal and doubled its website traffic
How Wendy's sells fresh, never-frozen hamburgers online
Acquia a leader in the 2018 Forrester Wave for Web Content Management Systems
Thirteen recommendations for how to evolve Drupal's governance
Why Drupal's Layout Builder is so powerful and unique
The end of PHP 5
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
Mollom: The story of my first SaaS startup
How Drupal influences other Open Source projects
Promoting the Drupal community from within the Drupal software
Acquia blocks 500,000 attack attempts for SA-CORE-2018-002
State of Drupal presentation (April 2018)
Defining Drupal's values and principles
March 2018
Thanks to the Drupal Security Team for keeping us safe
Responsive accessible HTML tables
Every day I'm Drupalin'
How to use Drupal 8's off-canvas dialog in your modules
That "passion + learning + contribution + relationships" feeling
Many small contributions add up to big results
Thank you, Tiffany
Drupal 8.5.0 released
Cooking with Alexa and Drupal
How Boston.gov is moving government forms online
Drupal hooks vs Drupal events
February 2018
January 2018
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
August 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
August 2014
July 2014
June 2014
May 2014
March 2014
January 2014
December 2013
November 2013
October 2013
September 2013
August 2013
July 2013
June 2013
May 2013
April 2013
March 2013
February 2013
January 2013
December 2012
November 2012
October 2012
September 2012
August 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
March 2012
February 2012
January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
Configuration management in Drupal 8
State of Drupal presentation (March 2011)
ING using Drupal
Investor.gov using Drupal
Starting to work on Drupal 8
DrupalCon Chicago wrapup
Hosted moderation interface: call for testers
Acquia Network 2.0
Drupal rap song: Monster
How Al Jazeera successfully managed through the turmoil
Introducing Acquia Dev Cloud
February 2011
January 2011
Drupal 7 commit history
Wanted: more Drupal talent in Melbourne -- and elsewhere in the world
Basque Parliament using Drupal
Acquia product strategy and vision
Drupal Downunder wrapup
Hanging with my Aussie Drupal friends: let's meet up
Happy tenth birthday Drupal
U.S. House of Representatives using Drupal
Drupal on KPN building
Drupal 7 released
Acquia retrospective 2010
Drupal 2010 retrospective and 2011 predictions
December 2010
An improved Webform user interface for Drupal
The Drupal Christmas song
Building blocks of a scalable web crawler
Drupal 7 to be released on January 5th (with one ginormous party)
Drupal Developer Days Brussels 2011: call for speakers
Playing with New Relic on Acquia Hosting
Drupal benefits from venture capital
Open Government 2010 conference
One Drupal to rule them all
Telenet using Drupal for knowledge base
November 2010
October 2010
LAMP stack Halloween cake
Tate using Drupal
Continuous services and connected devices
The commercialization of a volunteer-driven Open Source project
Drupal.org redesign launched, and why it matters
Mysterious spike in comment spam spotted
Want to grow Drupal? Put on a DrupalCamp
Commonwealth Games using Drupal
RestoreTheGulf.gov using Drupal in the cloud
Flying around the world for fun and Drupal
Drupal in a tablet world
Acquia Hosting adds memcache support
Drupal 7.0 beta 1 released: get it while it's hot
Teach.gov using Drupal
University of Washington at Tacoma adopts Drupal
September 2010
August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
Christina Aguilera using Drupal
Extraordinary glimpse of Acquia Client Advisors in action
On business models for Drupal distributions
U.S. Department of Commerce using Drupal
Forrester Research using Drupal
Acquia Hosting: an update after 8 months of Drupal hosting
Joomla vs Drupal: business models and commercial ecosystem
Via Rail using Drupal
State of Drupal presentation (April 2010)
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
Drupal 7 status update and release plan
Drupal goes to Mars
London.gov.uk using Drupal
Future of Open Source Survey 2010
Kofi Annan Foundation using Drupal
Le Figaro using Drupal
Drupal core developer summit at DrupalCon SF
New features for Drupal's Mollom module
General Motors using Drupal
The World Bank's climate change site using Drupal
Drupal code sprint at FOSDEM 2010
Symbian using Drupal
Help Acquia help Gartner with social software report
Drupal Association 2010 election
January 2010
Drupal Gardens launches in private beta
Mercy Corps using Drupal
Jamaican Prime Minister using Drupal
NVidia using Drupal
OpenSource.com launches on Drupal
Procter & Gamble using Drupal
Data.gov.uk using Drupal
Happy ninth birthday Drupal
Training more Drupalistas
FOSDEM 2010: call for speakers
Intel using Drupal
VT4 using Drupal
Acquia retrospective 2009
Drupal 2009 retrospective and 2010 predictions
December 2009
Ashley Tisdale using Drupal
Queen Rania using Drupal
Grammys using Drupal
King of Belgium goes Drupal
Drupal tattoo
Speed matters
Fujifilm using Drupal
Monty Python using Drupal
On Microsoft's anti-Drupal ad
Open Government Directive and Drupal
European Drupal trademark
Forbes Russia using Drupal
BBC using Drupal
November 2009
Linux Journal using Drupal and Mollom
8 steps for Drupal 8
Growing by fostering the right culture
Eric Clapton using Drupal
The Drupal Song by the Kitten Killers
Open Source CMS market share report 2009
AT&T using Drupal
British Government using Drupal
The Industry Standard using Drupal and Mollom
October 2009
Drupal 7 code freeze: status update and next steps
Gartner puts Drupal in visionaries quadrant
Whitehouse.gov using Drupal
EĂ©n using Drupal
Lucas Arts using Drupal
Robbie Williams using Drupal
Speaking at MIT
Portland State University using Drupal
Strayer using Drupal
Duke using Drupal
Stanford using Drupal
Reuters using Drupal
CNN using Drupal
September 2009
Rutgers using Drupal
Drupal is a young adult
State of Drupal presentation (September 2009)
Rackspace using Drupal
Drupal license plate
Druplicon stress balls
Mattel using Drupal
Free Acquia Hosting
Java.net using Drupal
DrupalCon Paris wrapup
Acquia Hosting now available
Examiner.com acquires NowPublic
Drupal Gardens
Drupal 7 code freeze almost upon us
August 2009
July 2009
Internet Systems Consortium using Drupal
Acquia.com website refresh
Acquia raises $8 million series B
Australian Prime Minister using Drupal
Emmys using Drupal
CIOs are starting to take notice of Drupal
Australian Broadcasting Corporation using Drupal
Battlefield 1943 using Drupal
Hundred million spam attempts blocked
Drupal can help pay for your rent
Acquia Search versus Drupal search
Content Here reports on Drupal
usaspending.gov using Drupal
Acquia Search: benefits for site administrators
June 2009
Acquia Search: benefits for visitors
Acquia Search available commercially
Radio Netherlands Worldwide using Drupal
First Belgian DrupalCamp
Drupal 7 usability code sprint in The Netherlands
NowPublic using Mollom
François Fillon on Drupal in Le Figaro
Drupal 7 fields in core: status update and next steps
Drupal 7 testing: status update and next steps
Edipresse blowing love kisses at Drupal
MIT Media Lab using Drupal
IFRA using Drupal
Dutch government using Drupal
French government portal using Drupal
Drupal song in India
Drupal book shelf
Sony Ericsson Using Drupal
Jacksonville using Drupal
Drupal graffiti
Druplicon human
May 2009
Zappos using Drupal
Drupal 7 usability: next steps
Drupal 7 usability: status update
Acquia featured in the Boston Globe
Harvard using Drupal
Drupal is a Webware 100 winner
Antwerpen Studentenstad using Drupal
WoodWing and Acquia: moving from print to the web
Structured data is the new search engine optimization
Drupal.org redesign code sprints: update 3
New York State Senate using Drupal
Drupal site crawler project
Where Open Source, Open Data and government meet
RDF in Drupal core code sprint
Playing for Change = amazing
April 2009
Drupal security team: past, current and future
Gamezebo using Drupal
Drupal mentioned in Forbes
Google to invest 90,000 USD in Drupal
Randstad using Drupal
Buzzr, Acquia Gardens and D7UX
Linux Foundation using Drupal
"I Got Drupal" by Ian Rhett
Fifty million spam attempts blocked
InfoWorld using Drupal
Drupal 6 growth
Open Source skiing
Francesca Battistelli using Drupal
March 2009
OSBC wrapup
IxDA to use Drupal
Microsoft promoting Drupal
Drupal.com to get a facelift
RDFa and Drupal
State of Drupal presentation (March 2009)
Michael Jackson using Drupal
Acquia Search goes public beta
Acquia Stack Installer (aka DAMP)
Drupal 7 code freeze: September 1st
Tom Erickson joined Acquia as CEO
Usability work at DrupalCon DC
Drupal in the New York Times
DrupalCon DC
February 2009
Brico Depot using Drupal
Drupal and Alfresco
Acquia 2009 roadmap
Ketnet using Drupal
Drupal Association 2009 election results
Obama using Drupal
My Drupal bike
Mother Jones using Drupal
Slate.fr using Drupal
Drupal.org redesign code sprints: update 2
FOSDEM wrapup
Mark Boulton to help with Drupal 7
Dries for President
January 2009
Google using Drupal for M-Lab
World Food Programme using Drupal
Virgin using Drupal
Drupal.org redesign code sprints: update 1
Drupal Association 2009 election
AHOLD using Drupal
O'Reilly Drupal book in the mail
Nokia using Drupal
DrupalCamp Köln wrapup
Drupal birthday cake
Human Rights Watch using Drupal
Happy eighth birthday Drupal
Symantec using Drupal
Mollom now has "CAPTCHA only" mode
Drupal.org redesign code sprints
DrupalCamp Köln
Acquia supports everything Drupal 6
My predictions for 2009
December 2008
Fields in core code sprint debrief
FOSDEM 2009: call for speakers
Oxfam using Drupal
French Ministry for Health, Youth and Sport using Drupal
ASI using Drupal
MIT using Drupal
Contributing back to Drupal
Pearl Jam using Drupal
P-Magazine using Drupal
Drupal talk at FeWeb
Boekenbeurs using Drupal
Sanyo using Drupal
Spotlight Verlag using Drupal
O'Reilly Drupal book
NHL using Drupal
November 2008
October 2008
September 2008
Acquia out of beta
NowPublic Drupal Scan
Mollom launch coverage
MIT's Emerging Technologies Conference
New Zealand government using Drupal
Bob Dylan using Drupal
Pro Drupal Development book for Drupal 6
Industry Standard using Drupal
Hagen's Drupal 6 book in the mail
Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6 book
Learning Drupal 6 module development book
State of Drupal presentation (August 2008)
Lullabot Understanding Drupal DVD
24 heures using Drupal
Led Zeppelin using Drupal
August 2008
July 2008
June 2008
May 2008
April 2008
MotoGP using Drupal
Acquia is a Red Herring finalist
Google to invest 105,000 USD in Drupal
Drupal is a Webware 100 winner
We have a test framework in Drupal 7
BussinessWeek's Young Entrepreneurs of Tech
Website spam and moderation queues
Drupal in the cloud
Pink using Drupal
Extreme makeover
DrupalCon Szeged
Spam, OpenID and Mollom
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008
Flip Kowlier using Drupal
Popular Science using Drupal
Dr. Dre
Drupal makes the EContent 100 list
Drupal 5 themes book in the mail
Happy seventh birthday Drupal
DrupalCon Boston registration open
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
CMSWire interview
What a ride so far
Mike Bloomberg using Drupal
FOSDEM 2008: call for speakers
DrupalCon Boston
December 2007
My Drupal predictions for 2008
State of Drupal presentation (September 2007)
Rock Band using Drupal
Drupal Association organization chart whishlist
Drupal Association 2008 wishlist
First Acquia employees
Acquia raises $7 million series A
Sun and Drupal
Sun using Drupal
Amnesty using Drupal
Novell using Drupal
November 2007
Acquia, my Drupal startup
Drupal and Google's Highly Open Participation Contest
Yahoo! Research using Drupal
The Drupal Association and the Software Freedom Law Center
Drupal trademark policy forthcoming
Gartner on pricing pressure
Macworld using Drupal
FOSDEM using Drupal
Avril Lavigne using Drupal
PhD dissertation milestone
Electronic Frontier Foundation using Drupal
October 2007
Harvard using Drupal
Jennifer Lopez using Drupal
Britney Spears has gone Drupal
Funny Technologic spam
UPEI goes Drupal
Bonjour Montreal
Drupal.org wishlist
ComputerWorld interview
Drupal talk at FITCE
Drupal Pro Development numbers
United Nations using Drupal
Axl thanks the Drupal community
On supporting Drupal events
Gilain blogs with Drupal
September 2007
August 2007
July 2007
Microsoft and Drupal
NowPublic gets 10.6 million USD
The Luck of Seven
Schwag from New York
Warner Bros using Drupal
Fox using Drupal
Tori Amos using Drupal
CMS code base comparison
Scaling with MySQL replication
NowPublic is one of the best
On hiring Drupal talent
Eclipse using Drupal
DrupalCon Barcelona
June 2007
Growing pains
Discovery Channel using Drupal
FooCamp was mindblowing
Drupal and The Onion
Drupal is a Webware 100 winner
DabbleDB = CCK + Views + 12 Duvels
Royal Flemish Philharmonic using Drupal
9lives using Drupal
On being able to be the best
Drupal at FrOSCon 2007
Linus Torvalds on Git
Drupal User Group Meeting at Across
May 2007
April 2007
State of Drupal presentation (March 2007)
Bob Young
Pro Drupal Development book for Drupal 5
Drupal Pro book cracks Amazon Top 100
AOL using Drupal
Gábor Hojtsy
Greenpeace using Drupal
Meeting of minds 2007: the user is the content
WebTech 2007
CMS marketplace
Google to invest 100,000 USD in Drupal
Drupal and eliminating middlemen
OSI using Drupal
March 2007
CD&V using Drupal
Open Source CMS Summit 2007 photos
James Walker
Yahoo! schwag
Twitter, Drupal and Jabber
The Drupal song
Die Welt using Drupal
De Morgen interview
Datanews interview
Ubuntu using Drupal
Suggestions for Drupal core
Drupal 5 training video
Drupal workshop in Antwerp
Drupal learning curve
My first Drupal workshops
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
November 2006
October 2006
September 2006
DrupalCon Brussels attendees
SAP Lounge
Belgian Drupal User Group
Spikesource selling Drupal
Ted and Madonna
Indymedia and Drupal
IBM builds a Drupal module
CMS usage
Rockstars use Drupal
Bootlegging DrupalCon Brussels
Excessive dogfooding and zealotism
DrupalCon Hungary
MTV using Drupal
Drupal 5.0.0 frozen
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
May 2006
NowPublic gets 1.4 million USD
David's Drupal book in the mail
Google to invest 70,000 USD in Drupal
NewsForge reviews Drupal 4.7
Drupal loves the OSL
BarCamp Brussels
Drupal stickers from Taiwan
Backward compatibility
Drupal book spotted in Berlin
Commercial Drupal training
Gerhard Killesreiter
NATO using Drupal
Neil Drumm
Custom content types
Complexity is a disease
Drupal 4.7 released