Lee Hunter new Drupal documentation lead
I'm happy to announce that Lee Hunter has been appointed as the new Documentation Team Lead for Drupal. Lee has been a long term member of Drupal's Documentation Team, and has been a technical editor for thirteen years of his professional career. To read about Lee's vision for Drupal's documentation, please check out his announcement blog post. The short version is that he will focus primarily on coordinating the effort to document Drupal 8 and exploring ways of making Drupal a more effective tool for technical communication.
From 2010 to 2011 the Drupal Documentation Team was led by Jennifer Hodgdon (jhodgdon) and Ariane Khachatourians (arianek), and up until July of year just Jennifer. Without their leadership and effort, tens of thousands of people would have faced great challenges in using Drupal. I'd like to thank Jennifer and Ariane for the tremendous effort that they put into the documentation team.
Documentation is one of the most important aspects of Drupal, and not one that we should take for granted. Please join me thanking Jennifer and Ariane for their work, and in welcoming Lee as Drupal's new Documentation Team Lead.
— Dries Buytaert