Drupal in the New York Times
The Drupal NYC group just hosted its sixth annual DrupalCamp on Saturday, February 28th, at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University in downtown Brooklyn. Held the weekend before DCDC, the event was attended by some seventy people and can boast of something not many DrupalCamps have — a writeup in The New York Times (subscription may be required).
As the article notes: Drupal is free software used to run web sites, and participants at the event said they were drawn there, despite differences in backgrounds and ideologies, by a belief in an almost utopian form of technological cooperation".
It also takes a lot of cooperation to pull off such a successful event. Congratulations to all of the participants and event organizers, and a Thank you! to the sponsors, who included Acquia, Openflows Community Technology Lab, Open Green Map, and Siruna. Way to go, Drupal NYC!
— Dries Buytaert