Linus Torvalds on Git
While distributed source code management tools like Git, Mercurial, Monotone and Bazaar (which some Drupal developers use) offer advantages over CVS or SVN, they are not as accessible or well-supported. Drupal developers and Drupal designers are not Linux kernel hackers, and for many of them CVS is the biggest barrier to entry. Without desktop integration for both Windows and the Mac (like TurtoiseCVS or MacCVSClient offer), I don't see how we can migrate away from CVS without leaving half of our community behind ...
Not to mention the fact that our entire release management system is built on top of CVS. It would be a lot of work to switch that to another system.
— Dries Buytaert
Dries Buytaert is an Open Source advocate and technology executive. More than 10,000 people are subscribed to his blog. Sign up to have new posts emailed to you or subscribe using RSS. Write to Dries Buytaert at