Drupal Developer Days Brussels 2011: call for speakers
We co-located the very first DrupalCon in 2005 with FOSDEM, now Europe's largest open source developers meeting. The first DrupalCon was an instrumental moment in the history of Drupal that has set the tone for all other DrupalCons and DrupalCamps. Ever since, co-locating a Drupal event with FOSDEM has been near and dear to my heart. In keeping with this good habit (e.g. 2008, 2009, 2010), I want to call upon the Drupal community to consider speaking at the Drupal Developer Days in Brussels.
Registration is now open for this free-as-in-beer event. It takes place from Friday, February 4 to Sunday, February 6 in parallel with FOSDEM. On that Friday there will be a code sprint. On Saturday and Sunday at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), you can enjoy two days of presentations and workshops on everything that is happening and exciting in the Drupal world.
A large part of the program is defined by the attendees so you are encouraged to propose sessions. So, register and submit your ideas for sessions. Even if you don't present a session, you'll enjoy yourself and learn more about getting the most from Drupal. Plus, you'll be able to see where DrupalCon got started.
— Dries Buytaert