Dries Buytaert

First Belgian DrupalCamp

Next weekend, on Saturday June 27, the French-speaking Drupal community in Belgium is organizing Belgium's very first DrupalCamp. The event takes place in Louvain-la-Neuve which makes it pretty accessible for both Dutch and French-speaking Belgians. Details are available on http://drupalfr.be. Due to the work of Gilles Bailleux, the event got some great press in this weekend's edition of the Belgian newspaper, La Libre Belgique. Both a screenshot and a PDF are provided below.

Newspaper article about Drupal, highlighting its free and open-source nature, with Gilles Bailleux organizing a discovery event.
© La Libre Belgique. Download PDF version.

It's always great to meet Drupal people, so I currently plan to go to Utrecht on Friday, to Louvain-la-Neuve on Saturday, and back to Utrecht on Sunday to help with the Drupal 7 usability code sprint. It's just great to see so many community events being organized — we've gotten to a point where there are often Drupal events happening at the same time in different places in the world.

— Dries Buytaert