Dries Buytaert

DrupalCamp Köln wrapup

Last weekend, I attended DrupalCamp Köln in Germany. It was great to put my feelers out in the German Drupal community and to talk with so many Drupal users and developers. Executive summary: the German Drupal community is going strong. Thank you for your hospitality!

A man in a maroon shirt reads from a paper while speaking into a microphone, with two others listening.
The welcome note with Thomas Narres (Narres Open Web Solutions), Robert Douglass (Acquia) and the main sponsor Mr. Hecker (GFU).
A donation sign for the Drupal.
We raised a good amount of money for the Drupal.org redesign sprints. Thank you Germany!
A speaker presents on Apache Solr and search technology at DrupalCamp Cologne 2009, with a projected slide behind him.
Robert Douglass talking about Apache Solr and Acquia's upcoming hosted search offering. The room was packed!

— Dries Buytaert

14 sec read time