Drupal.com to get a facelift
As explained in my DrupalCon DC keynote presentation, drupal.com has been getting way too much organic traffic (1,000 unique visits on a good day) to not look great and show off all the cool things that have been happening within the Drupal community. I have had a pretty embarrassing place holder on this personal site for years that is just the Druplicon (see screenshot below).

I asked my friends at Development Seed to create some mockups for a new drupal.com (see screenshot below). I really like the professional tone that such a site could create for many people who are experiencing Drupal for the first time. The header part will come with rotating images and captions, and other JavaScript goodness so don't blind stare at the copy on the screenshot.

It is just a tiny little website but for now it shows how hot the Drupal project is and I'm looking forward to some ad revenue to help cover my Drupal trademark expenses. With the help of Development Seed, I plan to get this up and running in the next couple of weeks. I still have to figure out how to best run the advertising part — suggestions welcome. At some point, I might turn drupal.com into something a little more useful, but for the time being, I think this marks a tremendous improvement! I'm confident that the new design will help promote the project.
— Dries Buytaert