Dries Buytaert

NowPublic Drupal Scan

NowPublic launched an interesting new feature called "Scan".

NowPublic launched an interesting new feature called Scan. First, they aggregate data from sites like Twitter, identi.ca and Pownce in near real-time. Then they aggregate the information, filter it by keywords, geo-locate it, and conveniently present it on a dashboard. Like that, you can see what is happening in different places around the world.

Being the sucker for statistics that I am, I asked Michael Meyers (CTO, NowPublic) to setup a special NowPublic Drupal Channel so that we can have our very own NowPublic Drupal Scan. Michael did, so check out the Drupal Scan at http://www.nowpublic.com/tags/drupal/scan. It is a great showcase of what can be done with activity streams or lifestreams, and with Twitter data specifically. What is not to like?

A webpage shows a real-time scan of Drupal-related posts, displaying locations, links, and recent activity on a world map.

(Disclosure: I am an advisor to NowPublic.)

— Dries Buytaert

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