Dries Buytaert

Drupal in a tablet world

Large billboard advertisement for the Apple iPad at night, showing a hand interacting with the tablet's screen.

A few years ago, computer tablets similar to Apple's iPad were props in science fiction films. Only a couple of years from now, tablets might be among the most popular consumer electronics ever.

It took less than three months to sell the first 3 million iPads. This has made the iPad the consumer electronics device with the fastest adoption rate of all time. Compare that with the 1 million iPhones sold in the first three months of its release, and the 350,000 DVD players sold in the first year of their mass production.

According to CNBC, the iPad will surpass gaming equipment and the cellular phone to become the fourth most popular consumer electronics category — televisions, smart phones, and notebook computers are the top three. Large companies like Hewlett Packard have no choice but to design credible alternatives to the iPad. Samsung will soon begin to distribute their Galaxy Tab, which runs on Android OS, in Europe and the U.S. Once these big players enter the market fully, it's pretty clear that we're heading to a new lifestyle in which everyone and his dog owns a tablet. I already have mine.

This all begs the question: in a world of tablets and mobile handheld devices, what do we need to do so that Drupal will be a go-to platform? How can Drupal contribute so as to be a player in the ever-expanding ecosystem of tablets and mobile phones? What needs to change so that developers can build easily tablet and mobile phone optimized applications on top of Drupal? At the rate that tablets and mobile devices are being adopted, we don't have much time to get in motion. Drupal 7 takes enormous steps in the right direction, and I have a some ideas for Drupal 8. However, I'd like to get your take first ...

— Dries Buytaert

1 min read time