Drupal documentation team leadership change
We have some changes to announce relative to Drupal's documentation team.
Firstly, I'd like to thank Addison Berry (add1sun) for her two years of service as the Drupal documentation lead. She has done a great job of coaching documentation contributors and developing a vision for Drupal's documentation during her time as the lead. Addison has recently decided it was time to step down from this role, and I am pleased to be able to have her pass the torch onto a pair of keen documentation contributors.
I've appointed Ariane Khachatourians (arianek) and Jennifer Hodgdon (jhodgdon) as the new documentation co-leads. Ariane will be taking the primary responsibility for the Drupal documentation, and Jennifer will be taking primary responsibility for the Drupal API documentation. They will also be working together to strengthen and build the Drupal documentation team, drive the direction and strategy for documentation projects, communicate the priorities and status of the documentation effort to the greater community, and organize documentation sprints.
Jennifer and Ariane co-led the Drupal 7 help page upgrade last winter, and have since been putting great efforts into maintaining the online and core documentation, managing their respective issue queues, running sprints at various DrupalCamps, Summits, and DrupalCons, and helping mentor other documentation contributors. Formalizing their roles within the community will help to allow them to continue and further their efforts to improve Drupal's documentation with the help of the documentation team.
Drupal is a collaborative effort, so Ariane and Jennifer would love to have your help working on the documentation. One of their top priorities is to enable others to contribute. The documentation team has a Drupal group at https://groups.drupal.org/documentation-team, which you are encouraged to join — this is a great venue for discussions of new ideas and directions. If you have ideas to share or need help getting started as a contributor, you can usually find Ariane (arianek) and Jennifer (jhodgdon) on the #drupal-contribute and #drupal-docs IRC channels.
Addison, Ariane, Jennifer, and several other members of the documentation team will be meeting in early December in Vancouver to work on the leadership transition and discuss strategies and priorities. This meeting will be followed by a day-long documentation sprint Saturday, December 11 — the sprint will be both in person and on IRC, so please join in!
— Dries Buytaert