About today’s Drupal Association Board resignation
Today Morten Birch Heide-Jørgensen stepped down from his role on the Drupal Association's Board of Directors. The Drupal Association's Board of Directors supports Morten's decision. The Drupal Association and the Drupal community value inclusivity and diversity, and our leadership must demonstrate those values as well.
We want to thank Morten for his service; he came to the board with a mission to foster improved transparency and communication. He helped both the board and staff embrace those principles in a way that will carry into the future.
Today's development underscores the need for a broader discussion that we need to have about inclusivity and diversity. Creating and maintaining the right culture and environment is vital to Drupal's success. Therefore, we have asked the Community Working Group to define a process to help our community address these issues and identify positive, proactive, and concrete steps we can take to ensure that everyone feels welcome in Drupal.
Morten is vacating a community elected seat. The Board of Directors will discuss how and when to fill this vacancy at the next board meeting.
— Dries Buytaert