Drupal 8 milestones in Tweets
Building Drupal 8 with all of you has been a wild ride. I thought it would be fun to take a little end-of-week look back at some of our community's biggest milestones through Twitter. If you can think of others important Tweets, please share them in the comments, and I'll update the post.
Feeling nostalgic? See every single version of Drupal running!
Do you remember how #Drupal 1 looked like? Or Drupal 3? Are you curious? Check out all the Drupals! #Celebr8D8
— Cheppers (@cheppers) November 19, 2015
Here is how we opened the development branch for Drupal 8: live at Drupalcon!
The secretsauce of #drupal isn't code or features or market share, important thought they are. The secret sauce is community.
— Sean Yo (@seanyo) March 10, 2011
@dries branching D8 #drupalcon #drupalchi http://t.co/kW6TvUZ #drupal
— Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy) March 10, 2011
Drupal 8's first beta showed the power of community
Drupal 8.0.0 beta 1 released! https://t.co/FwdmRYaZUx Ahh the power of COMMUNITY driven software! :-)
— Doug Vann (@dougvann) October 1, 2014
Congrats all on epic work on Drupal 8.0.0 beta1 https://t.co/fFpa2JZ2ZU :) Now go sleep or party as appropriate ;) #drupalhugs
— Gábor Hojtsy (@gaborhojtsy) October 1, 2014
We had issues ... but the queue steadily declined
Today there are zero #Drupal 8 beta blockers! Here's what's next: https://t.co/yq9eOhEgLW Of note: finish beta deadline issues by Sept. 28.
— xjm (@xjmdrupal) September 19, 2014
Drupal 8.0.x-rc1 release window is today. Good sign of real stability is major issue count going down for 6+ weeks. pic.twitter.com/5VnHGmL9zb
— catch (@catch56) October 7, 2015
We held sprints around the world: here are just a few
EVERY SINGLE #Drupal 8 critical is RTBC or currently being addressed at the 10-person #D8Accelerate London sprint! @DrupalAssoc @brightlemon
— xjm (@xjmdrupal) July 5, 2015
Working on D8 Criticals at the Ghent DA critical sprint, this is how the "My issues" page looks for me right now! pic.twitter.com/y5SnavVtND
— Sascha Grossenbacher (@berdir) December 13, 2014
Yay for a crowded core office hours sprint! #drupalcon pic.twitter.com/Ks5pYYd2
— Cameron Eagans (@cweagans) March 23, 2012
And we created many game-changing features
#Drupal 8 now ships with page caching enabled! Anon users: <10 ms response time, yet instant updates! #FastByDefault https://t.co/7vbPxFGVoK
— Wim Leers (@wimleers) April 8, 2015
And.... there we go! http://t.co/ed6XtMIs MOTHER BLEEPING VIEWS IN MOTHER BLEEPING CORE!
— webchick (@webchick) October 22, 2012
Config entities dependencies in action! @swentel @yched https://t.co/9IlqY6yIGM goodbye field_system_info_alter() pic.twitter.com/WzsvZNSnDb
— Alex Pott (@alexpott) February 15, 2014
With Content + Config Translation in core D8 core is more translatable than D7 with all of contrib. #drupal
— Tobias Stöckler (@tstoeckler) November 18, 2013
Amazing to see Drupal 8's multilingual capabilities explained on the multilingual release page (for example Farsi): pic.twitter.com/9owVE3xABo
— Gábor Hojtsy (@gaborhojtsy) November 19, 2015
The founder of PHP said: Drupal 8 + PHP7 = a lot of happy people
Here are the two graphs: http://t.co/3m2EbJayY4 and http://t.co/pIhXWxPfso - Drupal 8 + PHP 7 will make a lot of people happy!
— Rasmus Lerdorf (@rasmus) April 21, 2015
We reached the first release candidate and celebrated ... a little
Congratulations to EVERYONE in the @drupal community who has worked so damn hard to reach this moment. Celebrate! #drupal8rc #Drupal8
— Whitney Hess (@whitneyhess) October 7, 2015
Just LOOK at it.
8.0.0-rc1 is GREEN
Download - Let's build something to celebrate! #drupal8rc #drupal
— Manuel Garcia (@drupalero) October 7, 2015
Kudos to the 3000+ contributors and to the entire Drupal community that helped make this happen. https://t.co/FtATRtSmCU
— Leslie Glynn (@leslieglynn) October 7, 2015
And, just yesterday, we painted the world blue and celebrated Drupal 8 ... a lot!
Let's paint the whole world blue! Add your #Celebr8D8 Release Party here https://t.co/5v8kENj1Ko #Drupal8 pic.twitter.com/JjVZ3Kiuje
— Drupal (@drupal) November 10, 2015
With over 200 new features & improvements #Drupal8 is released! https://t.co/Py1t0fkkDA Thanks to all contributors! pic.twitter.com/WivjQH4zeI
— Drupal (@drupal) November 19, 2015
At the Amsterdam #Drupal8 release party!! #Celebr8D8 pic.twitter.com/Wvh5SRwoy3
— Taco Potze˙ (@tacopotze) November 19, 2015
The Moment We've All Been Waiting For: Drupal 8 is Here! https://t.co/EQIs4uXwDU #Celebr8D8! pic.twitter.com/6mDwWv1cXn
— Duo (@DuoConsulting) November 19, 2015
#Drupal8 release party in #Lahore #Pakistan with @JibranIjaz @NaveedSukhera #Celebr8D8 pic.twitter.com/GOcbRKJsGS
— Shakeel Tariq (@shakeeltariq) November 19, 2015
From Peru we're celebrating the new era #Drupal #Drupal8 #Celebr8D8 @Dries pic.twitter.com/zRdzBunW7I
— Agustin Rojas Silva (@Aguztinrs) November 19, 2015
Happy #Drupal 8, everyone! I am so happy to know and work with all of you beautiful #opensource people!
— HornCologne (@HornCologne) November 19, 2015
Karma party in #drupal-contribute #Celebr8D8 pic.twitter.com/tt3wjKlfbl
— webchick (@webchick) November 19, 2015
We're literally printing money here. @Dries Dollars by @LeakyTweety for #Celebr8D8 Manchester pic.twitter.com/8f4rfRNmhK
— Paul Johnson (@pdjohnson) November 19, 2015
Acquia and downtown Boston are ready to celebrate Drupal 8! #Celebr8D8 pic.twitter.com/RHkwXKUlNC
— Dries Buytaert (@Dries) November 18, 2015
#drupal8 is (finally) available! Bye bye Drupal 6 and thank you for all these years… pic.twitter.com/XUL9hkjj3n
— Peter Decuyper (@sgrame) November 23, 2015
— Dries Buytaert