Happy seventh birthday Drupal
Today, seven years ago, Drupal 1.0.0 was released! The following snippet is taken directly from the original announcement:
Today, drop.org announces the release of Drupal 1.00 after an extensive period of testing. Drupal is a full-featured content management/discussion engine using Apache/PHP/MySQL and suitable to setup a news-driven community or portal site similar to kuro5hin.org and slashdot.org. Current features include discussion forums, web-based administration, theme support, an open submission queue, content management, a modularized design, PHP sessions, user management with access control and username/profanity/hostname filters, error logging, a public diary module, an affiliate site module, backend/headline generation (RSS/RDF) and much more.
I have been very lucky in finding early adopters that saw potential in Drupal when it was first released. Nowadays, thanks to the efforts of hundreds of contributors, Drupal is undeniably growing up quickly.
What didn't change after seven years is the fact that there still seem to be a million of great ideas worth implementing.
— Dries Buytaert