Young Global Leader 2013
I was quite surprised when I opened my email to find "You have been honoured as a Young Global Leader 2013".
The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a community formed by the most exceptional leaders from every region of the world and every stakeholder in society. The Young Global Leaders (YGLs) commit their energy and knowledge to the most critical issues facing humankind.
I feel very privileged to be included in such a diverse, yet cohesive group, that is passionate about shaping the future of the world. As a member of YGLs, I will work with others to initiate, develop and drive solutions on important, globally oriented issues, including health, education, the environment, global governance and security, and development and poverty. The past initiatives have ranged from freeing hundreds of millions of school-age children from parasitic worms, to a collaborative task force between company cafeterias and NGOs that is providing 23,300 children every day with school meals. Other projects include developing country-wide infrastructure for electric vehicles and sailing a catamaran made out of 12,500 reclaimed plastic bottles halfway round the world to draw attention to marine pollution and climate change.
Being a member will allow me to do of what I'm passionate about; evangelizing the Forum of Young Global Leaders about the benefits of Open Source in their missions, as well as directly putting to work the knowledge I have gained from my experiences with Drupal and Acquia. Can't wait to work with a group of leaders who are committed to "doing well and doing good".
— Dries Buytaert