Mollom for Midgard
Henri Bergius has integrated Mollom into the Midgard open source content management framework. From Henri's release announcement: When enabled, all posts sent to Midgard either on-site or using the email import tools will be passed to Mollom for assessment. If Mollom finds them spam or ham, they will be moderated accordingly. This should save a lot of time policing the site.
Midgard provides an object-oriented platform for building data-intensive applications, and ships with its own content management system built on the Midgard framework. Its CMS solution features an interface for installing components that provide additional functionality, like Mollom's spam-filtering web service. The Mollom component will be available in the soon-to-be-released Midgard 8.09.3 version. Thanks Henri!
— Dries Buytaert
Dries Buytaert is an Open Source advocate and technology executive. More than 10,000 people are subscribed to his blog. Sign up to have new posts emailed to you or subscribe using RSS. Write to Dries Buytaert at